Mikkel Aaland

"It's All An Adventure"


by Leon Elder


Chapter 1: Sweat Bathing and the Body

“Give me a fever and I can cure any disease” – Hippocrates


Chapter 2: Mediterranean Baths

Water of winter, heat of summer, sweetness of autumn, and smile of spring.-Islamic poet, 18th century


Bathing in Medieval Europe

Whoever cleans himself in this bath

Unites with God

And cleanses in one bath

His body and soul, as he should

 – Thomas Murner, Badenfahrt 1514


Chapter 3: The Finnish Sauna

If a sick person is not cured by tar, spirits or sauna, then they will die. – Finnish proverb


Chapter Four: The Russian Bania

We all know how man came into being.

Man was created when God took a bania and sweated profusely.

He dried himself off with straw and dropped the straw to earth where the Devil used the straw to create the body.

Then later, God gave man his soul. -Russian sorcerer, 1071




Purchase an ebook version of the original book, which includes the how-to-build section, here.


Purchase an ebook of  the how-to-build section of Sweat, here.


Follow the progress of Perfect Sweat, a serialized documentary based on the original Sweat, here.



The Illustrated History and Description of the Finnish Sauna, Russian Bania, Islamic Hammam, Japanese Mushi-Buro, Mexican Temescal, and American Indian & Eskimo Sweatlodge


by Mikkel Aaland

©1978 & 2018 All Rights Reserved



Perfect Sweat, a serialized documentary based on Sweat, is currently in production.  Follow us here.



The Irish Way

Young women, wishing to improve their complexion after making peat or pulling flax, used to have the sweat bath, as it removed the kells, or stains and made them look nice and white. -Rev. D.B. Mulcahy, “An Ancient Irish Hot-Air Bath”


Tribal Africa

Sweat comes from the outside and falls on men like dew on the grass.—Bantu saying


Chapter 5: The Japanese Mushi-Buro

The power of this kiln bath equals

hundreds of medicines.-Yosai Aotani, 19th cent. poet


Chapter Six: The Native American Sweat Lodge

“Behave as you would in your white man’s church.” -Hoskie, a Navajo


Origin of the Mayan Temescal


Chapter 7 :  Using & Building Your Own Sauna or Sweat Bath



Credits & Bibliography




©2025 Mikkel Aaland

All Rights Reserved